Saturday, July 30, 2005

Have you ever seen your sunset ,
Fade beneath a raincloud ;

My computer's down. Wonder when it's gonna be repaired. So here I am, using the laptop. Hah, I'm getting wonderful results this term. Like woah, not yet a test which I failed. Instead, beautiful marks acheived. This's the one motivation- I'm gonna build on these results.

And what the hell. I nearly got that dreaded pink form on friday. I got away, but then a complaint email was sent to my form teacher. Walao. I'm so gonna get it from her on monday. Heh, but friday was in fact, fun. Cos I came up with the oh-so-great idea of sneaking into the chij drama night that day. Hey, don't look at me. I found out that half of the people up on the second floor sneaked in too. Haha. And the girls still let everyone in. Oh well. Okay, the skit they put up were uh, kinda boring. But the twist in the story was unexpected. So yeah, it's was pretty much alright.

I wanna switch to another church. Mm, I don't want to. Since I grew up in this church. Fond memories, but somehow. It just isn't as heartwarming in there now. Heh, I'm sorry. Anyway. I'm wondering if I should switch to City Harvest Church. Or maybe, Meltee's church. I don't know. Gah.

Community centres in singapore are plain stupid. They're located in hard-to-reach places. I've to like, travel a million miles before I could reach my destination. Okay, not a million miles that long, but yeah, you get my point. Now, should I enrol ?

The sparkle of light, you are to me.


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